Its a horrifying topic but I am feeling compelled to share.

Just got in from a TRULY amazing day at The Vancouver Yoga Conference, and believe me…YOU want to go! (For more info click here)! It goes on all weekend long and maybe i’ll see ya there? Makes me feel grateful to live in Vancouver. Anyways, upon arriving home while checking my Facebook I saw this…

Its almost time for the Shanti Love Project!!!

Have you got your ticket? It’s THIS Saturday Oct 29, and the event is one of a kind and has lot’s for everyone! And prizes? There are prizes/raffles/silent auction items galore. And I mean GALORE including West Jet tickets, visits with Naturopaths, Yoga, yoga and more yoga all over this beautiful city of ours (including…

Are you a new mom who’s lacking in the self care department? You sure aren’t alone. Not at all!

If you come to any of my Yoga classes you are used to hearing me harp on about Self Care. I mean what’s more important really? For ALL of us? The answer is N-O-T-H-I-N-G. If you can get to Yoga, by all means…Get to Yoga. *But what if you are a new mom and are…